High School Christian Foundations

Christian Foundations
It is our hope and prayer that all HEED families enroll in the Christian Foundations Track that we are introducing this year. This 3-year High School track will reinforce the foundations of your student's faith and prepare them to understand what they believe and why they believe it. Additionally, we believe these three courses will be the preparation for their future in college, for their career and for their futures. These course can be taken in any order or concurrently. Students completing all three courses will be recognized at graduation by wearing a special colored cord.
Old and New Testament Experience (Bible Survey) Offered in 2026-2027 (9-12 grade) and/or BIOT 1433, BINT 1533 college credit (9-12 grade)
Mr. Chris Barber
Course fees: $150 Dual Enrollment, $30 for High School
This course is available as high school credit or as college credit from Southeastern University. Students in grades 10-12 will earn 6 college credits for the year. Students wishing to switch from Hgh school bible to earning the credits may add this class to their schedule and the high school class will be dropped and tuition from that credited back to your account.
Fall- BIOT 1433 - OLD TESTAMENT INTERPRETATION: The course serves as an introduction to Old Testament interpretation. It provides an elemental framework for interpreting the Old Testament by exploring its ancient Near Eastern contexts; discussing literary, thematic, and theological constructs; and demonstrating how it informs Christian thought and practice.
​Course Description:
Mr. Barber’s popular Old Testament Experience class has been expanded to add the New Testament. For many Christians, the Old Testament seems like a somewhat random compilation of history, poems, prophecies and strange stories of miraculous events. But how does it all fit together, and particularly how does it relate to the New Testament? In Luke 24:27, Jesus answered this question. He said the entire Old Testament Scripture speaks of Him. In the fall semester, Old Testament portion of this class, we will begin to learn what Jesus meant when he made this remarkable statement. The fall semester combines a traditional survey of the Old Testament books with an in-depth look at the beauty and majesty of the Scripture. Students will learn that the handiwork of God is even reflected in the literary structure and language of these books. The Old Testament speaks of Jesus our Redeemer in incredible ways most of us have never seen. As we uncover these great truths, one thing is certain: the student will never look at the Old Testament in the same way as the story of our Savior unfolds in these ancient pages.
In the New Testament section (spring semester), students will become familiar with these 27 books, their main themes and authors. More importantly, the class will focus on what it means to be a Christian and providing students with a framework to defend the truth of Scripture and their faith in the world that awaits them. Emphasis will be placed on the “big picture” of God’s Word so that students understand the heart of God for his people, as displayed from Genesis through Revelation.
Required Curriculum:
Holy Bible (preferred translations: ESV, NKJV, NAS, NIV). The Story of Joseph and Judah by Warren A. Gage and Christopher Barber, which Mr. Barber will provide to the students (the cost is included in the materials fee).​ Unbreakable, by Andrew Wilson
Introductory and Intermediate Logic (10-12 grade)
Mr. Chris Barber
Course Fees: $25.00
Course Description:
Why should my student take a logic class? And what is it? Many people think of “logic” as something for left-brained, analytical people. But logic is simply the art of reasoning well. Being able to think clearly and express those thoughts well is an essential skill for all people, but especially for students in high school who will face many challenges to what they think and believe in the coming years.
The fall semester (introductory logic) introduces the student to deductive logic, how to formulate an argument, and how to avoid fallacies in reasoning. This semester is filled with practical examples from real life and from Scripture, showing how the use of logic is foundational to all relationships, including our relationship with God (who is the source of truth).
The spring semester (intermediate logic) moves into “symbolic” or “propositional” logic. This class builds on the fall semester and deepens the student’s ability to discern truth and avoid error.
Don’t worry parents – teaching your child to formulate arguments does NOT mean I will be encouraging them to argue with parents or siblings! The goal of my class ultimately is to equip students with the tools they need to build the kingdom of God, not to tear others down. As I emphasize from day one in class, you can be RIGHT, but not RIGHTEOUS. This class has been a HEED favorite through the years, and I look forward to teaching your student!
Required Curriculum:
This course is a study of introductory and intermediate logic utilizing the Mars Hill Textbook Series.
Introductory Logic: The Fundamentals of Thinking Well, Student Text, by Nance and Wilson, 5th edition
Intermediate Logic: Mastering Propositional Arguments, Student Text, by Nance, 3rd edition
Successful completion of Algebra 1.
Worldview 9-12 grade
Mrs. Giovana Cavarretta
Course Fees: $25.00
Course Description:
This class (part of our Christian Foundations Track) is an exhilarating course where students will embark on a thrilling exploration of the five major worldviews that shape our understanding of life, society and existence. Get ready to dive deep into engaging debates on contemporary social issues addressed from both a Biblical Christian perspective and from other worldview perspectives. We will have dynamic discussions on burning social issues such as: “Your truth, my truth,” Does God exist? Can you trust the Bible? The resurrection, fact or fiction? How could a “good” God allow so much evil? Is an embryo a person? Assisted suicide, the compassionate alternative? Theories of the origin of the universe, are people born gay? gender identity, sexual orientation, transgenderism, living together and moren and much more.
Upon completion, students will earn 1 HS Electives/Worldview credit.