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High School Math

Algebra 1 (8-9 grade)

Mrs. Rachel Suarez


Course Description:

This Algebra 1 course is based on the teaching principles of incremental development, continual practice and review, and cumulative assessment of algebraic concepts. Topics include evaluating expressions, solving algebraic equations, solving systems of linear equations using substitution and elimination, factoring and solving quadratic equations, absolute value inequalities, domain and range, surface area, complex fractions and uniform motion. 

Parental Involvement: Parents must check homework and tests for proper completion and accuracy (preferably daily but at least weekly). This involves simply circling any question that has an incorrect or unreadable answer. Parents do not need to understand the work; they just need to be involved in the process so they will know immediately if their student is having difficulty. Parents must proctor all tests. Students are required to complete assigned daily work entailing a minimum of an hour a day.  Proper completion of homework and tests involves neatly showing all work, not just answers and not leaving blanks. Students must then correct the mistakes to prevent repetition of the same error on future assignments.  Students must remain current with the class assignments and maintain a minimum 75% average or risk being dropped from the class unless there are extenuating circumstances. Students must never be in possession of the answer keys for tests!  All work must be the student’s own work, not copied from any answer key or solutions manual or other student. Copying from any source for homework or tests is cheating and grounds for dismissal from HEED. 


Required Curriculum:

Saxon Algebra 1; 3rd Edition; ISBN-1565771346 or 1565771230, Homeschool Algebra 1; Packet & Test Forms; ISBN-1565771389, Saxon Algebra 1 Solutions Manual; ISBN-1565771370. 

Prerequisites: Successful completion of HEED Math 8 Pre-Algebra or proficiency as demonstrated on placement test.




Honors Geometry  (9-12 grade) 

Mrs. Rachel Suarez


Course Description:

This geometry course focuses on developing logical thinking skills and reasoning abilities.  Presented in the familiar Saxon approach of incremental development and continual review, topics are continually kept fresh in students' minds. Covering triangle congruence, postulates and theorems, surface area and volume, two-column proofs, vector addition, and slopes and equations of lines, Saxon features all the topics covered in a standard high school geometry course. 

Parental Involvement: Parents must check homework and tests for proper completion and accuracy (preferably daily but at least weekly).  This involves simply circling any question that has an incorrect or unreadable answer. Parents do not need to understand the work; they just need to be involved in the process so they will know immediately if their student is having difficulty. Parents must proctor all tests. Students are required to complete assigned daily work entailing a minimum of an hour a day.  Proper completion of homework and tests involves neatly showing all work, not just answers and not leaving blanks. Students must then correct the mistakes to prevent repetition of the same error on future assignments.  Students must remain current with the class assignments and maintain a minimum 75% average or risk being dropped from the class unless there are extenuating circumstances. Students must never be in possession of the answer keys for tests!  All work must be the student’s own work, not copied from any answer key or solutions manual or other student. Copying from any source for homework or tests is cheating and grounds for dismissal from HEED. 


Required Curriculum:

Saxon Geometry Student Edition Textbook ISBN-13: 978-1602773059, Solutions Manual ISBN-13: 9781602775619, and Homeschool Testing Book ISBN-13: 978-1600329777.

Prerequisites: Successful completion of HEED Algebra 1 or proficiency as demonstrated on placement test.



Algebra 2  (9-12 grade)

 Mrs. Rachel Suarez


Course Description: This Algebra 2 course is based on the teaching principles of incremental development, continual practice and review, and cumulative assessment of advanced algebraic and geometric concepts. Topics include advanced quadratic equations, completing the square, rational equations, complex numbers, radical expressions, trigonometric ratios and inverses, polar coordinates, direct and indirect variation, special triangles, vectors, inequalities, conic sections, and logarithms. 

Parental Involvement: Parents must check homework and tests for proper completion and accuracy (preferably daily but at least weekly).  This involves simply circling any question that has an incorrect or unreadable answer. Parents do not need to understand the work; they just need to be involved in the process so they will know immediately if their student is having difficulty. Parents must proctor all tests. Students are required to complete assigned daily work entailing a minimum of an hour a day.  Proper completion of homework and tests involves neatly showing all work, not just answers and not leaving blanks. Students must then correct the mistakes to prevent repetition of the same error on future assignments.  Students must remain current with the class assignments and maintain a minimum 75% average or risk being dropped from the class unless there are extenuating circumstances. Students must never be in possession of the answer keys for tests!  All work must be the student’s own work, not copied from any answer key or solutions manual or other student. Copying from any source for homework or tests is cheating and grounds for dismissal from HEED. 


Required Curriculum:

Saxon Algebra 2, 3rd Edition; ISBN-1565771400, Saxon Algebra 2, 3rd Edition; Homeschool Packet and Test Forms; ISBN-1600320147, Saxon Algebra 2 Solutions Manual; ISBN-1565771435, (Note: the 2nd edition of the Saxon Algebra 2 book is acceptable, however, you must purchase the 3rd edition tests). 

Prerequisites: Successful completion of HEED Math Algebra 1 or proficiency as demonstrated on placement test.

Students make take Algebra 2 or Geometry after completing Algebra 1. 



​Advanced Math  (Pre Calculus/Trigonometry)  (11-12 grade) NOT OFFERED IN 2024- 2025



Course Description:

This precalculus course will focus on topics essential for a firm calculus foundation.  Various functions and their corresponding graphs will be analyzed in depth including polynomial and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions and circular functions. Additional topics will include trigonometric identities, equations and applications, matrices, analytic geometry, series and sequences and an introduction to differential calculus. 


Parental Involvement:

Parents must check homework and tests for proper completion and accuracy (preferably daily but at least weekly).  This involves simply circling any question that has an incorrect or unreadable answer. Parents do not need to understand the work; they just need to be involved in the process so they will know immediately if their student is having difficulty. Parents must proctor all tests. Students are required to complete assigned daily work entailing a minimum of an hour a day.  Proper completion of homework and tests involves neatly showing all work, not just answers and not leaving blanks. Students must then correct the mistakes to prevent repetition of the same error on future assignments.  Students must remain current with the class assignments and maintain a minimum 75% average or risk being dropped from the class unless there are extenuating circumstances. Students must never be in possession of the answer keys for tests!  All work must be the student’s own work, not copied from any answer key or solutions manual or other student. Copying from any source for homework or tests is cheating and grounds for dismissal from HEED. 


Required Curriculum:

Your student will be issued a book on the first day of class to use for the year.   There will be a $25.00 book rental fee for this class. 


Successful completion of HEED Algebra 2 or proficiency as demonstrated on placement test.



College Math

This course is our Palm Beach Atlantic University College English dual enrolled class.

Classes are held at our East Boca location.​  A maximum of 29 college credits can be taken through the Palm Beach Atlantic University Dual Enrollment program.  Students are permitted to also dual enroll through other colleges and universities.  Once tuition and fees have been paid they are nonrefundable and nontransferable. ​​


College Algebra and College Statistics (Not Offered in 2024-2025)                                                                     

Professor Angelica Pelletier


Prerequisites: Successful completion of HEED Algebra 2 Class or proficiency as demonstrated on placement test.​


MAT 1853 College Algebra   (Not Offered in 2024-2025) 

Course Description:

(3.0 credit hours) is College algebra the math course required for most college majors today, and is s a pre-requisite to Pre-Calculus or Trig.. Topics include: Linear functions, quadratic functions, rational functions, composition of functions, inverse functions, exponential and logarithmic functions.  HYBRID MATH- Students will watch video lessons of each math section during the week on their own.  They will meet with Professor Pelletier on Mondays at 3:30 to go over math problems.  Students will be given work over the summer to be familiar with how to work a graphing calculator prior to beginning college Algebra. 


Curriculum Required:

Textbook: Barnett, R (2009).College Algebra: Graphs & Models. (3rd ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.  ISBN: 978-0-07-305195-6. A graphing calculator is required. (Instruction on use of calculator will be demonstrated on the TI-84 Plus graphics calculator.)


MAT 2003  Elementary Statistics  (SPRING) Not Offered in 2024-2025 

Course Description:

(3.0 Credits) Along with college algebra statistics is the second college math course for most majors, and in some degrees the last one.  Many of our students complete their college math courses prior to entering college. Topics covered include: Organization and description of data, central measures, variability, probability, sampling, hypothesis testing, estimation, correlation.


MAT 1853 College Algebra


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